4 ways to make your business meeting work

A productive discussion depends on what happens once everyone is gathered together, whether they’re sitting around a table or connecting through the Web or a mobile device. If you’re the meeting’s leader, it’s up to you to set the tone and keep the conversation moving in the right direction and make sure everyone is engaged in the conversation.

Effective meeting means not only informing people in a timely and professional manner, but giving them a certain enthusiasm about the follup tasks they’re taking on. It is a turning point of sorts: Participants depart with information they can use and a clear sense of what comes next.

For that to happen, everyone must be fully engaged in the discussion, participating without the distractions of side conversations, emails or technical glitches that muddy the waters for those who attend virtually. Indeed, the meeting’s leader must pay special attention to remote participants to make sure they’re not talked over by people in the room, and don’t use their distance as an excuse to stay quiet.

Here are four tactics to help you achieve a more effective meeting:

1. Follow an Agenda
We’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: Write up a list of what’s to discuss, how much time each topic should need, and stick to the plan. When you do this, your meeting will have a steady pace and won’t feel aimless. One way to crate your agenda is to use a system like Use ShoreTel Connect; share it with participants ahead of time, then track each item in real time once the meeting convenes.

2. Encourage Participation
When one person speaks the entire time, you’re not holding a meeting – you’re staging a lecture. So, proactively engage everyone by calling on people by name and not allowing any one person to dominate. Pay special attention to those who’ve connected to the meeting remotely. Services like ShoreTel Connect provide the sound and video quality they need to easily follow what’s being said, but they still may need extra encouragement to speak up. Also, designate a time towards the end of the meeting where people can ask questions and share any pertinent thoughts that might not have been covered on the agenda.

3. Shake Things Up
All meetings don’t have to be alike. For instance, if your company culture emphasises letting each person around the table speak in turn, switch it up once in a while and have people share their thoughts in a random order. Have remote participants mix their comments in with those who are physically present – too often, we wait for the end to ask for their thoughts. When you can, start meetings on a positive note, like letting the team know when someone has landed a new client or reached a project milestone. If meetings always go one way, people become accustomed to the routine. Keep them on their toes.

4. Have Fun!
Although you want to keep things professional, meetings don’t have to be sombre occasions. As you wait to begin, lighten the tension – talk about Game of Thrones or plans for the weekend. As long as it doesn’t become distracting, bringing in food like bagels or pizza can demonstrate that you people taking time out of their day. And keep the tone light if you can.

Recognising the human aspect of meetings is the key to having focused and determined attendees in the room – and that’s what makes a meeting a success.

Mark Roberts is chief marketing officer of Shoretel, a provider of phone systems and unified communications solutions

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