Singapore’s ’Best MICE City’ efforts gather pace

SINGAPORE Tourism Board has launched several initiatives to raise sustainability standards across the business events industry and to reinforce its declared position as the ‘World’s Best MICE City’.

Decision makers and their groups will be seeing more of Singapore Tourism Board (STB)’s Legacy Toolkit, a Carbon and Waste Baselining Study aimed at business events and ambitious plans for carbon neutral participation at international tradeshows.

“Since the launch of the MICE Sustainability Roadmap in 2022, the Singapore Tourism Board has remained steadfast in our commitment to fostering a more sustainable and impactful MICE industry,” said Yap Chin Siang, STB’s deputy chief executive.

More… F1 Singapore in race to sustainability

Yap said the initiatives would steer the MICE industry towards a more sustainable future while providing practical way in which event organisers “can make meaningful, lasting impact in Singapore”.

“We will continue to collaborate with stakeholders and uphold our ambition to be the World’s Best MICE City,” he said.

Singapore’s “world’s best” positioning for the business events industry was launched in March. The legacy toolkit, designed to assist stakeholders in understanding event legacy and encouraging them to create their own, contains a framework titled ‘FIRM’.

The toolkit encourages planners to
Frame their vision
Ideate their initiatives
Realise action plans and
Measure impact.
It also contains case studies to inspire legacy possibilities in Singapore.

 The legacy planning process is aimed at fostering greater engagement between event organisers, venues, local communities and stakeholders. This includes working with established community organisations and institutions that serve as local points of contact to provide support and resources.

STB said that the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre was an example of an institution in Singapore that event groups could work with. It encouraged conference organisers and other event planners to use the toolkit to maximise long-term positive impact from their events. The legacy toolkit can be downloaded here….

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