PCMA reveals speakers for new Asia Pacific conference

Marketers and event professionals from Jack Morton, George P Johnson and Google among speakers at the first PCMA Convention Leaders Asia Pacific

EVENT-MARKETING specialists from world of Grand Prix Australia racing, Google, George P Johnson and Jack Morton will be speaking at the PCMA’s inaugural Convening Asia Pacific: The Global Recovery Forum.

The Professional Convention Management Association event will held in a hybrid format on November 10, featuring panels, seminars and workshops.

The speaker program is set to include Nicki Kenyon (Australian Grand Prix); Rebecca Hallett (Google); Anna Patterson (George P. Johnson); Jack Delosa, (The Entourage); Lucille Marie Essey (Jack Morton Worldwide); Lisa Ronson (formerly of Tourism Australia) and James Bennett (Creative Technologies).

More… PCMA reveals Convening Asia Pacific

Kenyon, who will moderate a panel session at Convening Asia Pacific with other chief marketing officers, said the marketer’s role in driving growth and engagement for a company or event was more important now than previously.

“Building successful marketing campaigns is reliant on clear business goals, a detailed, well thought out strategy and a customer-centric approach,” Kenyon said.

“Events are built on a foundation of entertainment, and even though not many events are running face-to-face at the moment, we need to remember what the essence of events are – engaging with our audiences.

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“Covid-19 may have changed the events industry and how we appeal to audiences, attract sponsors and sell tickets, but with it there has also been opportunities to adapt, test new channels to use and consider new ways to engage with audiences outside of our regions.

“At Convening Asia Pacific, the panel of marketers and I will share our experiences in building successful marketing strategies, adapting tactics in a data and technology enabled world,  and discuss how to appeal to a B2B landscape virtually.”

Karen Bolinger, PCMA managing director for Asia Pacific, said that reskilling and upskilling into the new world is top of everyone’s’ list.

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“Some key sessions will provide valuable insights into digital marketing from the technical, creative, data insights and distribution channel perspectives,” she said.

“This will appeal to audiences who want to boost attendance and engagement, setting the event up for success and answering the ‘how’ of events today.

“We’ll be hearing from agencies who are on the cutting edge of technology about what event formats translate virtually, technology of the future and our speakers will share best practice tips and tricks to engage audiences.”

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