Driving on the Same Path

People who have spent time in Hong Kong know it is next to impossible to avoid being jostled, bumped into or elbowed. It could be because driving culture is alien to the city. 

In other cities where driving is common, people are used to eyeballing the space needed for them to pass, because it’s not just a sore elbow at stake, it could be the heavy cost of a new paint job.

Driving is a very good analogy for office dynamics. There are common courtesies that we expect from one another like trust, clear communication and accountability. 

Often, bogged down by daily duties and office politics, workers misplace these courtesies and lose sight of their common goal.  Perhaps it is time to introduce a team-building activity to steer everyone to the same direction.

It’s up to managers to set the tone and take the lead. But really, everyone should get involved and team building can be an effective way to carry this out.

The most effective team-building programmes are original and innovative, incorporating memorable aspects with a strong back-to-work application.  For example, learning to juggle as a team or building a Formula One car out of cardboard.

But it’s not just about what happens during the programme. It’s also looking at what can be learned from the experience. The results can be documented in a balanced scorecard and with action planning. Through the process, team building can offer a return on investment through the actions that are taken afterwards.

A little team building does go a long way. It is a chance for people to step away from the work context and relate to each other in a new setting – away from the speeding highways and onto the winding roads of the countryside.


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