Tourism Australia checks in at Singapore for China campaign

Tourism Australian and Singapore Airlines have signed a new marketing agreement toward promoting business events travel to Australia.

Pledging a total A$2.7 million, each party will contribute to a range of campaigns within Greater China that will endorse Australia as a destination for business events, with Singapore Airlines as the venture’s exclusive airline partner.

On the partnership, regional vice president for North Asia at Singapore Airlines WK Lim said: “We have been working closely with Tourism Australia for a number of years and the new MOU dedicated to business events will further drive and expand this market segment for mutually beneficial opportunities.

"While the world is competing hard to attract business events visitors from key growth markets, we are confident that with our longstanding presence and ongoing expansion across the country's key gateways, we have a winning proposition to present to the key target markets to drive more business events visitors to Australia and cement Singapore as the optimal gateway hub to Australia,” Lim said.

Regional general manager for Greater China at Tourism Australia, Andrew Hogg, said: “Singapore Airlines is one of our longest standing airline partners and has been helping to promote travel to Australia for years.

“The signing of this new MOU dedicated to business events is further evidence of our desire and ability to work effectively with key airline partners on commercially focused marketing activities. Tourism Australia is committed to working with Singapore Airlines to achieve strong business events visitor growth for Australia.”

In recent years, Australia has made strides to accommodate Chinese business events, with Chinese bankcard association UnionPay now widely accepted across the country and activities such as BridgeClimb Sydney available in Putonghua.

China represents the fourth biggest spending market among Australia’s business events visitors, contributing A$238 million in 2014. Australia has been selected to host two mega-incentives from China, the NuSkin Incentive 2016 and Amway China Incentive 2017.

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