SITE ANZ elects new president

NICOLE TINGEY has been elected Society for Incentive Travel Excellence Australia and New Zealand president, replacing Colette Baini who steps down after a two year term.

Nicole was most recently SITE ANZ VP of Sponsorship, working with other board members to successfully deliver the inaugural SITE ANZ Conference in Sydney in 2022.

She is co-owner of Clockwise Consulting which markets domestic and international destinations for convention and visitors bureaus while helping drive business into venues the company represents.

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Nicole said her decision to nominate for the position of president was due to the passion and energy of her fellow SITE ANZ board members and her unwavering belief in the power of incentive travel as a reward and motivator.

“The SITE ANZ board has invested so much into getting the ANZ Chapter off the ground, running events, supporting member needs, growing our membership base and of course doing all that’s required behind the scenes,” she said.

“It’s a privilege to work alongside them as we go from strength to strength, creating new opportunities for the ANZ incentive industry to gain knowledge, create new connections and think differently about the value of our work.”

She said Colette Baini and Marissa Fernandez had both been inspirational as past presidents.

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Nicole said it was an exciting time to be working in the incentive sector post-pandemic and the SITE ANZ chapter had plenty to do for its members and ramp up knowledge and understanding of the specialised discipline.

“While there are challenges around pricing, accessibility and staffing, the demand for incentive travel programs continues to increase. There’s so much business out there for both practitioners and suppliers, and we’re only just seeing the return of international groups to Australia and New Zealand. It’s an exciting time for our industry.

“It’s well documented that companies reap enormous rewards from incentive travel programs, including greater success in recruiting top talent (more important right now than ever before) and managing employee performance. From a supplier perspective, it’s high-yielding business. What’s not to love!”

Among her goals as SITE ANZ president is to deliver a 2023 conference as terrific as the inaugural 2022 meeting, if not better, and ramp up education to help build an employment pipeline for the future.

“I also intend to deliver true value to our members – both practitioners and suppliers.”

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