Browsing Ideas

Fancy Dress Party

1st October 2011

The last night of any corporate event or incentive is always the programme highlight for many delegates. Organising themed events... Read More

Ice breakers

1st August 2011

Brainstorming ideas for your next big project can be challenging when your assembled think-tank barely know each other. You may... Read More

Gutsy Discovery

1st August 2011

More than 11,000 delegates, 76 percent of whom flew in from overseas, descended on the Korean capital in late May... Read More

BMW Golf Cup 2011

1st June 2011

When 106 of the best amateur golfers from 37 countries descended on the popular resort island of Phuket for the... Read More

Wow Factor

1st June 2011

A corporate event does not always have to be staid and formal. There are times when spicing up a product... Read More