Browsing Destinations

Shanghai – Stellar Act

1st December 2010

For a city with the avowed intention to be a leading global business events destination, October 16, 2010 may be... Read More

Back To The Future

1st August 2010

It’s a place associated with saints and sinners. It has been a city of missionaries, revolutionaries, traders, smugglers, rogues and... Read More

Singapore – High Roller

1st August 2010

Singapore this year walks with a lively spring in its step. Always among the top Asian destination choices for business... Read More

Destination Diversity

1st June 2010

End to end, Indonesia is as wide as the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to North America. An archipelago of 17,000... Read More

Australia – Regal Options

1st June 2010

What’s true of Australia is true of Queensland in microcosm, it is a multi-layered destination, offering a contrast of climates,... Read More

Hong Kong Unplugged

1st June 2010

The towering buildings that dominate the skyline on both sides of the Victoria Harbour have come to symbolise Hong Kong’s... Read More

KL Makes Its Mark

1st April 2010

Kuala Lumpur is a city on a mission. As the main gateway into Malaysia, it carries the bulk of the... Read More