Team building with Shakespeare

EUROPE The American Drama Group – Europe (ADGE) is offering acting workshops as an alternative to traditional corporate training and team-building exercises. They are designed to foster collaboration and creative thinking.

“We offer a unique perspective on the global financial crisis using examples from Shakespeare’s work and [design] exercises based around his texts,” said James Feinberg of ADGE. “We also look at body language and presentational skills through the use of acting exercises and hone these to world-class standards.”

Established in 1978, Munich-based ADGE has staged more than a 1,000 performances of 14 different plays (in English, Spanish and French) in over 35 countries. The theatre group will return to Hong Kong this month as part of its Asian tour of Gulliver’s Travels (see related story here).

ADGE has several workshops options. Workshop A includes the presentation of one of Shakespeare’s plays, followed by a discussion on how the challenges faced by protagonist can be applied to today's business.

There is also a boutique workshop designed to suit the specific needs of participants. This session involves the selection of scenes, addressing particular challenges the participants currently face. The focus is on relevant sections of the texts, and it involves elements of improvisation and role play, transposing the circumstances of Shakespeare’s characters into the modern world.

“The leadership styles of certain Shakespearean heroes and villains will be examined: what is so inspiring about speeches like ‘Friends, Romans, Countrymen’,” said Feinberg. “And how can such insights help us in today’s difficult economic climate?”

To provide added value, ADGE will supply learning materials including costumes, awards, posters and fliers that are tailor-made for your company. The boutique workshop session will end with an awards ceremony, recognising successful leaders within the group.

Asked why ADGE chose to focus on Shakespeare,  Feinberg replied: “In Shakespeare’s plays, we find all kind of insight into the business of overcoming adversity through feats of courage  and perseverance… This ‘abstract and brief chronicler of his time’ has greater relevance for us now than ever before.”

For more information visit or email James Feinberg at

Gigi Onag


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